Required fields are marked *. Diaphragm _____ 3. - Unknown. (He was priest of God Most High.) BaalOfWax follows a NeoWiccan tradition, and he says. To be blessed, in other words, is to be special; but logically speaking, in order to be special there must be people who are not-special. I say thanks. They mean well. I see. Only the One who made us . A quick google search will enlighten you to how egotistical the word actually is. Sometimes, even those who have been healed of life threatening situations use their new life to focus on self instead of the one Who extended their lives. Why? I believe it's a mistake if you pray for something for 10 years and then only thank Him for 10 minutes. It was a time when many people were dying from a plague and they thought the sickness started with a sneeze. Thank You. Anytime I go to answer with even "I'm excellent" or "I'm doing great" I'll get a weird look in response. Thats what the lukewarm church at Laodicea thought about themselves: We are rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing (Rev. to the Lord. The phrase blessed be is found in many modern magical traditions. Context is all the information surrounding the language that is being discussed. A simple and uncomplicated response. Oracle insight to you. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist He had to wear torn clothing, have his head uncovered, cover his lips and shout Unclean! As I have never heard the expression. This is not the hill I'm going to die on. God blesses us then we take the blessing and run after some verbal thanks. Those who have experienced Jesus cleansing power should glorify Him. Does this mean addressing to a crowd? I doubt if he understood the deity of Jesus, but nonetheless, he took the proper place of worship at Jesus feet. So I mentally re-translate it as . Why confront someone whos just trying to be friendly even if you dont agree with theyre religous beliefs. Express the gratitude you felt on receiving the interview mail; thanking the company for the opportunity given to you to represent yourself on why you should be employed. #CaliforniaForward. Pronouncing the Word Blessed. Jimmy aaja, jimmy aaja. The 23 Best Ways to Respond to "How is it going" - Linguablog We should respond to Gods blessings by glorifying Him at Jesus feet from thankful hearts. They knew that they were goners unless God in His power had mercy on them. The only condition to receive Gods healing for our leprous souls is that we take Him at His word, that whoever believes in His Son Jesus will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). More generally?Reason be with you.My common sense is tingling.Live long and prosper.May the force be with you.Eat, Drink and be merry.May the odds be ever in your favour.We are Groot. Who am I? I find the idea of an afterlife, either Hell or Heaven, terrifying and the just being gone view of death more comforting than New to the community. The phrase's origins are a bit more murky. Situation 2: No matter what people talk about by texting, some would end up their message by "blessing". Hey I have been researching humanism for school and I have some questions about humanism I would like to have a talk would a seasoned humanist, so just give me an email if you feel like chatting. His holiness demands that He judge sin, but His mercy is the predominant and leading attribute. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, He is full of mercy. You are using an out of date browser. The bigger the blessing the longer we should praise Him. Someone asked, Did God answer your prayer? Oh, no, the man replied. 1. All of the devastating effects of this terrible disease were erased. But. Because of that, it has never bothered me. The strong implication is that the other nine were Jews. Can you reply "you too" to wishes such as "Good luck"? 48.) And may Oden lead your battle. I just say thank you with sincerity in my voice. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If using it feels forced or insincere to you, then by all means, skip it. I just say "thank you" and "you too". Not all things are blessed, but the seeds of all things are blessed. I've had this thought on my mind for a few months now and wanted to get it written down and then presented to some fellow Atheist-Humanists. Your email address will not be published. What's a good way to reply when someone says "Have a - Fluther As the Puritans rightly stated, the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever on account of His blessings of salvation toward us who deserved His judgment. Our God is kind and generous! Her invocation ended with: You may decide that you'd like to use "Blessed be" outside of ritual, but only with other Pagans and that's okay too. ", If you are open to being blessed by this person and their view of deity: "Thank you, and may you be blessed as well. I do also see that "have a nice weekend" sounds awkward, might be better if "good" is used. You too? They never returned to Jesus to receive salvation of their souls. Press J to jump to the feed. 21 Best Replies To "God Bless You" (For All Situations) - Grammarhow Derrick is a past president of the Humanist Community and winner of the Humanist of the Year award. 2024 Candidate for U.S. Senate of California. However, if you view a blessing as an award for how good of a person you are (and I hope it does) then wouldnt you feel a bit guilty for implying that your life is better than others? Lets never allow Gods generous blessings tohinder our relationship with Him. #8. Context is important. 50 Thank You for Being Part of My Life Messages and Quotes Learn Religions. He clothes us with the perfect righteousness of Jesus. Best reply to "Have a nice weekend"? - English Language & Usage Stack What is the best response to "Blessed be"? - AnswerData Its often used as a greeting, and to say Blessed be to someone indicates that you wish good and positive things upon them. Take every opportunity to mention Gods name in a positive way. In that case, I would probably still thank them sincerely. Ego can be irrational and it may be an indicator for a mindset that is based on logical fallacies. The blessing is in the seed.". Jesus had healed him and he was going to make it known! For access to more full-length tutorials, visit P. Have a wonderful party we hope to see you soon. Gratitude is always a good thing. Because of this, I question the authenticity and motive behind those who claim that theyre blessed but say it means theyre grateful. Unclean! wherever he went to warn others to keep their distance (Lev. At the end of the day, they are wishing you well and being nice. I'm not offended by it but a lot of times I want to say no thank you keep it to yourself or I don't need it but thanks. "You are a blessing to my mornings.". These men knew Jesus by name, but they also called Him Master, acknowledging His authority. "Thank you". 2. I'm blessed. . Thank God with your life not just your words. This means that if you buy a book from our resources page or a book review blog post, we will earn a small percentage. To think that you are basically okay in Gods sight is a sure-fire way to receive nothing from Him. Praise God and Praise Jesus Christ our Savior. I don't get offended. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Example: Before we ate, our uncle Tony blessed [blest] the meal. Whatever your need, call out to the Lord. As such, its not surprising that many phrasesincluding Blessed beappear in other places long before Gerald Gardner incorporated them into his original Book of Shadows. You will stay in the place of blessing when you live obediently. It is a kind of terrible progressive death in which a man dies by inches. 3 Answers C5H5N in water > C5H5NH+ & OH- Kb = [C5H5NH+] [OH-] / [C5H5N] 1.5e-9 = [x] 1. Subject: Changing my RSVP Dear Jane, Due to some unplanned circumstances, Sophia and I will be unable to make it to your party on the 15th. If they had lost fingers and toes, they were restored. At the very least, stop, look at the person directly, and say in a calm, clear, friendly voice, I appreciate your intention but Im not religious (or better, Im an atheist). Not good! Blessed be is like saying Amen to someone I think! Thank you for your comments, Gary. People said "you are(were) blessed" sometimes to me, or by the end of texting message, some would ending up with "blessing". I notice, but ignore it. Put it this way: If you were the only person in the world, the idea of feeling blessed would be kind of meaningless. What does google say is the definition of blessed? Only one was curious, pleasant, and discussed it with me; the rest got defensive. Like that man, many people are blind to the many blessings that God daily showers upon them. Most of the time the intentions are good. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He says that even so, there are far more who are prone to pray in a time of need than to praise God when He meets that need. The nine got what they wanted from God in terms of healed bodies, but they went no farther. The bigger the blessing the longer we should praise Him. They are being friendly in their own language. Pronouncing the Word Blessed - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation If someone wishes you 'Merry Christmas', it's a reasonable assumption that they are Christian, or that they do at least recognize and celebrate the Christmas holiday, so it's fine to respond with 'you too', or more properly, "Merry Christmas to you too!" Luke again picks up the journey motif, of Jesus proceeding toward Jerusalem where He will meet with His appointed destiny. Only one of the ten responded properly. If these lepers had thought, We may be sick, but were not all that bad, they wouldnt have cried out to Jesus for mercy. Next. and that is said what works for one human may not work for another and to critize that is inmoral to me! They hear the birds chirping and see beautiful flowers and trees, but they dont give it a moments thought that God has given those blessings and given them the senses to enjoy them. Wigington, Patti. Just as these lepers did not just believe intellectually, but had a faith that obeyed Jesus word, so we must exercise personal obedient faith in Him with regard to His promise to save us from our sins. in rituals and ceremonies. To be blessed, in other words, is to be special; but logically speaking, in order to be special there must be people who are not-special. Luke seems to put this here to show the increasing rejection of Jesus by the nation Israel, whereas this foreigner receives not only healing, but also salvation. Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del presente de subjuntivo de los verbos entre parntesis.? 4. I have been researching humanism for school and would like to have a conversation with a seasoned humanist, if you would like to chat about humanism please email me. 17:9), sick with sin, unclean before the holy God. So, if they knew better maybe they would be more accurate. We must spend much time at His feet. If the Lord has delivered our souls from judgment, we ought to let others know about it. It seems to me, that some people often times rather say that theyre blessed instead of lucky, so that they can add an emphasis on the idea that God had something to do with their circumstances. Parent. ALPHA HOUR EPISODE 285 | translation, interview, author | ALPHA HOUR # Jesus said, He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him (John 5:23). But Hezekiah rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him; for his heart was lifted up: therefore there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem. The good news is that God delights to show mercy to those who cry out for it! I pray that the content on this site has been a blessing to you! To "I'll pray for you," I respond "thank you, I'm sure you are." With "bless you," this phrase in my opinion is harmless, so I simply say, "thanks." . It more like they're saying 'thank you , have a crappy day'. Just as only God could heal this dreaded disease, so only God can heal and cleanse the human heart from the awful disease of sin. "I don't need to be blessed" if you wanted to be rude, or if someone says, "have a blessed day," you could say, "you have a good day too." You could also say . It must have been a marvelous experience! I dont think they would get it unfortunately. How to reply when someone says 'have a blessed day'. (2020, August 27). Cookie Notice Gratitude goes a long way. It is the proof of our faith. I have to remind myself that Praise the Lord is not just a slogan or something nice to do; it is a command. According to Josephus, lepers were treated as if they were, in effect, dead men (cited by Barclay). Others may have been embarrassed by his exuberance, but he didnt care! May the freshness of Sunday morning erase your worries and calms your mind. My sister is Wiccan and she uses Blessed Be a lot. We rely on members to let us know when posts contain content that violiate the, Your Reports Help Protect the Agnostic Community, Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members. 9 Best Replies to "I'm So Lucky to Have You" - Grammarhow This time of year?Happy Hogswatch.Happy Yuletide.Io Saturnalia.Seasons Greetings.etc. 14). Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition The Lockman Foundation,, remind myself that Praise the Lord is not just a slogan or something nice to do; it is a. We must put Him in His proper place as Lord and Master when we come to Him. The idea of "blessed and highly favored" comes from the gospel of Luke. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button. God bless you and I answer, Yes, she does! Love the And may the tooth fairy and Paul Bunyan bless you! Ill be using this one. Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, Im not wiccan myself, but my sister is. Spanish Help I would prefer "You too!". Discuss the implications for witnessing: The refusal to see ourselves as spiritual lepers is a major hindrance to salvation. But, suddenly by the Lords power, they all were restored to perfect health. Indeed, who needs a Savior, if youre a basically good person? I sometimes tailor my response depending upon the situation we have evangelicals in my extended family that I don't really want to argue with. the one think i loved about the wicca stuff and that stuck with me! If someone says "Blessed be" to you, what would you say in return? The best ways to respond include "I'm so lucky to have you too," "I appreciate you saying that," and "that means a lot to me." These are great ways to respond because they show you care about the other person. Maybe they didnt have any such debate, since the text doesnt record any, but at any rate, it says, as they were going, they were cleansed. I dont know if it happened to all of them at the same instant, or if first one and then another got healed. In this, their situation was similar to that of Naaman the Syrian, whom Elisha told to go and bathe in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:10-15). His story of becoming a Humanist is part of the collection Personal Paths to Humanism. Posterior Thigh _____ 4. 02 "I can't wait to see you again.". It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Some send blessings and they become one." - Joyce C. Lock. If you want to make them feel good, say these. The first step to receiving Gods blessings is to acknowledge your desperate condition before Him. It also can imply that your circumstances happened to you on purpose, and you're appreciative of them. To most, saying "Merry Christmas" or "Have a happy Christmas" becomes so commonplace, it is very similar to saying "Have a good day." Most people say it out of obligation or common courtesy. Clearly, Jesus was pleased with his expression of thanks and grieved at the absence of the other nine (17:17-18). I think this is illegal. 3. Please keep in mind that all images and text on this site are the property of It's infuriating that their delusions effect my life in so many ways. But, in spite of that, the cleansing of these lepers pictures what God does to the souls of those who call out to Him for salvation. Have a blessed Sunday! Mississippi Children's Choir - I'm Blessed - YouTube When people call me out for this I always say something to the effect "Wait, I'm sorry you just look kinda Jewish." Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Brian Kaplan, MD Whole Person Medicine and Reverse Psychology It all depends on the sincerity of the question 4 Answers aaja Come. Wiccan Tattoos: Meanings and What You Need to Know, Drug and Alcohol Use: A Pagan Perspective. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, Im blessed! Youre blessed! Its a blessing!. God blesses obedience. In this series, we invite humanists to offer their suggestions for handling those situations. For the most part, I've only got a problem when some religious solicitor is just trying to push their message/pamphlets on me. 10:12-13). When a Wiccan or other neo-pagan says "Bless-ed Be!" In fact, the King James Bible includes the verse, Blessed be the name of the Lord.. If you have a response to our question above please feel free to leave it in the comments section below. We should join him in glorifying God at the feet of Jesus with thankful hearts. As Ill argue in a moment, I believe that only the man who returned to give thanks to Jesus was saved spiritually. Welcome to r/atheism, the web's largest atheist forum. I am not worthy. Psalm 8 This is how we should feel in response to our gracious Lords many blessings. I just say thank you and keep it moving, it really doesn't bother me at all. If you are not open to such a blessing: "Blessed are all the Lord's children." Either of those would work. How to play "I'M BLESSED" by Charlie Wilson Ft. T.I. (easy piano I get this a lot! Blessed be is like saying Amen to someone I think! Press J to jump to the feed. I can well imagine one of them arguing, Well look like fools if we show up before the priest in our present condition! Another countered, Yes, but weve got nothing to lose; this is our only hope. But it hurts to walk on these leprous feet! I know, but if we do what He says, maybe well be healed. But this isnt the way He healed the other lepers. Strategies for Humanist Living: Responses to Blessings and Prayers We sometimes receive inquiries from readers regarding the proper way to pronounce blessed.The word blessed can be pronounced in two different ways according to its part of speech in the sentence.. Rule 1. Id love to reply, Talking donkey says Thank you., I guess the best response would be blessed be WHAT?, Your email address will not be published. But here, without any evidence of healing, Jesus commands these ten lepers to go and show themselves to the priests. Here are some ideas of how to respond to "Did you miss me?": 01 "I'd give anything to have you by my side again. Don't Say Same To You | Learn 15 Better Responses For Wishes - YouTube Some people don't think so. Nerd. to the empployees was very informative. I'm surrounded by people who say that stupid shit to me, all the time. 5. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Address: 9241 13th Ave SW 2. If you always feel gratitude, then is it intellectually inconsistent to single-out a certain circumstance as a moment to be grateful? Give Him glory! Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. In uttering this cry, these lepers take their proper place under the Lord Jesus sovereign authority. 2:11-14). The phrases origins are a bit more murky. I just say thank you, I hope you have a great day. (Matt 6:6) Thank you for your teachings! We are not blessed by all that we do, but in where we fall short. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist He teaches us that . Do you render again according to the benefit done unto you? Give Him glory! While the physical disease was horrible, the terrible social consequences in ancient Israel only added to the misery. Current Location. For me, "have a blessed day" is the same as "have a great day". Rather than drawing near and touching them, as He did with the leper in Luke 5:13, Jesus simply instructs them to go and show themselves to the priests. He brought revival to Israel and led the people to follow Jehovah again. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine.? We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. "You too" is a safe and appropriate response, I've been doing that in response to various holiday well-wishings for years (around here, you say 'Happy Holidays', you're likely to get a sermon). The mans position on his face at Jesus feet also shows the proper attitude of humility that should characterize those who have been healed by His mercy. Even so, if we who have known Jesus healing power in our souls will live each day to glorify Him with thankful hearts, others will be drawn to the Savior to find mercy for their souls. Some think "God bless you" started when Pope Gregory said it to those who sneezed. For example: 7*x^2. what to answer after "bless you" - WordReference Forums I have no idea what "blessed" has to do with out of town training. Youre not stupid, you chose the word blessed rather than grateful for a reason. Some practitioners feel that the use of sacred phrases like "Blessed be" should only be used within the orthopraxic context of traditional Wiccan practice, i.e. By using this response, you are making clear that you are already blessed and do not want anything else given to you. You could also connect with the Humanist Community of Central Ohio on Facebook. 5 Answers There is no word like addressal. Praise God often for His blessings in your life. Mi hermana se sorprende N-F C-F Cl-F F-F 2 Answers C-F is the most polar. The problem with thinking God has your back is that its actually kind of disgusting. We are not told whether the ten lepers had a debate about whether or not to go. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. What was his response? The hands and feet always ulcerate. I usually say "Ta, have a good one yourself". They are wishing you something that they feels has value. Why doesnt He heal us in the same way? I dont know, but we must obey.. I have NO respect for their beliefs. Leprosy rendered a man ceremonially defiled, so that if he was healed, he still had to go to the priest and carry out an extensive ritual of cleansing before he could be accepted back into the religious community and worship (Lev.