Social Studies, my ass. They never told you the complete truth, but always built in again and again clever lies, which later lead to technical problems and to your dependence on them. Answer: Who knows, maybe. Share to Reddit. I think your species is not as bad as some of my kind thinks and it would be a pity to observe your end. There is no magic, only highly developed science, and everything that you label as magic is only a part of science. One race called the Kenedaheim?, and the other called Lemderian? We have no forenames like you but only a single but unique name which is divided and characterized by the way of speaking and which is given not to children (who have an own children-name) but only in a special procedure in the adolescent age at the time of either religious or scientific enlightenment or awareness (as you would call it.) The Dulce Files are fictional books based on Dulce Base, which itself seems to have originated from the late Paul Bennewitz, who may have been intentionally. For example, if I decide to use my mental powers once more in order to move this pencil, then, simply said, I imagine in my mind how my consciousness/awareness expands/amplifies itself on the matter side in the form of post-plasma to the pencil. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. This interview was done in person as far as the story goes. The coloring is very dark and the interior optical distortion is very noticeable. Im trying the exact same thing, man, contact me on FB. As this planet is going, it is approaching to its demise in probably 30 to 40 years. This species used an alignment technology in their ships, with which the field locked into place all points of the Earths magnetic field. But your great scientists were not able to reconstruct the skeletons completely, because they wanted to reconstruct reptilian animals, not intelligent beings. Can you explain to me how our governments came into possession of UFO material to the point that they could start their own projects? If you are able to see our UFOs it means that the device is either defect or deactivated for some reason. Because of that, the function of secrecy was threatened. Recently gaining a following on the internet it never had when it was released, the Lacerta Files (allegedly) teach us about other lizard people, raccoon people, white people people, and the history of the human race they don't teach in schools. We are native terrans. Answer: This is a good question (much better than the previous) and I have not explained it properly to you. What is publicly available about antigravity technology informs us that a ship within a sufficiently powerful magnetic field could travel from one end of our solar system to the other in a relatively short time, its occupants unaffected by velocity. I will not say that I completely agree with Lacerta, but I believe she believes what she says. Generally speaking, a picture is all the more a fake, the clearer the outline and the colors are, because a levitating ship is generally hidden in a shifted-field condition that even distorts the colors or the forms according to alignment. This planet has way too many humans on it, anyway, mostly ignorant as fuck. The oldest religions in the world dont even worship beings, they simply try to point you to the true nature of your own consciousness. After all, Lacertas race is tens of millions of years old and they are telekinetic psychics at birth. If you ask me, if Im an extraterrestrial, I must answer no. Lacerta does not claim her kind eats human flesh. We are the native terrans and we live on that planet since millions of years. The Illojim who appeared as gods for the sixth and seventh breed told them that it is a war between good and evil and that they are the good and we are the evil race. Question: You speak sometimes about underground cities and artificial sunlight. If Lacerta would join the same or similar values I really would like to meet her to get a better understanding of the big picture and maybe contribute with my little picture. If they seem friendly, they are not in fact, they are stealing you blind. Meditate on the subjects you study and dont be gullible. Those flames apparently do not go out and they burn the body right down to its last constituents. Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but its the truth. Id prefer to keep the name as Ole, if you can transcribe it phonetically into Japanese, writing it in Japanese characters. Just apply and use common sense. Have you evolved from primitive reptiles as mankind has evolved from apes? fundicin a presin; gases de soldadura; filtracion de aceite espreado/rociado; industria alimenticia; sistema de espreado/rociado de lubricante para el molde That illusion is further subdivided into three elementary or basic conditions of matter. Our evolution time may seem incredible long to you, but this is in fact the original way of nature. At home theyve had enough time to have had their ships crossing back and forth. "And the great dragon was cast out, Greetings to Lacerta. I rather would value, like yourself, meeting someone with whom I could feel at peace with. They are even lower than the Reptilian Dracos. But why describe people who saw alien beings so many different and bizarre types of them? The Lacerta Files and its reptilian hybrids show the persistence of appealing myths. Question: That is the end of the interview. They are a different race, not human. That doesnt make any sense. Rarely I need to trash a comment. Actually, it is not a genuine light (it is mostly not a genuine light whenever you see illuminating UFOs) but a special strongly charged form field which manifests itself in the space that matter inhabits as a quasi-light. When I returned, the car was on the other side of the street once again. As the soul meets another dimension species, I would say. Do you have a job like us? This was the beginning of a series of meetings which initially took place there in the woods, but later took place in his remote residence. As we live today (and since thousands of years) nearly completely beneath the earth, you will not find any cadavers or skeletons of us. The sound is clearly heard on the recording tape. posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 08:51 PM link . Most of the mysterious flying objects in the sky are not technological devices but mainly misinterpretations of natural phenomena your scientists have not understood (like spontaneous plasma flares in the high atmosphere.) We have only one of those columns; larger colonies even have more columns according to the construction of the ceiling. However, that can sooner lead to unpleasant consequences for the infiltrator. Advanced and friendly races also took sometimes egg and sperm samples, but for other reasons. No, the original unedited material is not available. We were put in charge on the surface and we blew it big time. That means not that we are now real mammals) but the breasts of us are not as large as those of human woman and the size of them is generally equal for every female of my kind. K.. Again, how evolved is that? I believe I rememberI dont want to specify exactly your datethat it was probably between 1949 and 1952 that there was a rather bad accident during some research being done on one of the wrecks. It was our planet before they arrived and before they started their evolution project with your kind. (That term is synonymous, along with other things, with full physical strength.) You go on your way, or you search for another ant hill or you observe the ants in their crisis condition. But would one of you even though he were larger and more powerful than the one who stepped on the ant hill in the first place defend the meaningless ants? Some of these comments contained stereotypical phrases like Servants of Hell or Species of the Evil One. All of your minds are like one mind) we are able to touch their mind and induce them via telepathy the command See us as one of your kind and the weak human mind will accept this order without re-fusion and they will see us (despite our reptilian look) as normal humans. I believe what you have written. The interesting thing is how well the things she says corresponds with quantum physics. Taken from . I have sent to spam some of Z comments since they have been disrespectful of myself. 3,5% pentru Politehnica; Fotbal pt suporteri; Shop; Contact; Ajutor. I cant expect from you that you believe my simple words without evidence, but I cant give you that evidence. Why the openness now? In addition, not everyone of your abductees is one and some of the aliens in their reports are really just imagination or lies. That is an unmistakable indication for the authenticity of the photo. Should I respond?". In this position I am quasi-immune against certain restrictions. One more thing, Im pretty sure a game programmer can easily imagine how feldraum looks like in their mind. Something like Serve us or Obey? Question: As you have not allowed me to make photos what would be very useful to prove your real existence and the truth of this story can you describe yourself detailed? I would appreciate it if you dont try to say my real name with your human tongue. And you know nothing about the things to come in near future. Now there is still another intermediary layer for which you unfortunately have no human concept, since the theory is not common in human thinking. All I really want to say is that I have questions and theories/answers that I want someone to hear. The history and knowledge would be amazing. Maybe she gives me permission to reveal more of the missing parts in that transcript and about the coming war. Could you ask more about their soul and ours and their ability to astral travel in comparison to our ability? I have something inside that I want to ask but I dont what is it. We don't say: Well, duck you are not as evolved as me, so it doesn't matter if you die. In the last years of your 1970s and your early 1980s, it finally came down to various events between the alien species and that human government I dont want to go into detail here since there is much that even I am not exactly sure of. See his videos on YouTube. When we are on the surface and we meet human beings (even a large group of them this makes no difference. Answer: This is again a strange question. Generally, the form of the hull for a genuine extraterrestrial ship is of no consequence, for inside the field itself there are no exterior forces that have any effect there; in general, the ships have a rounded off form and they are built without hard edges as a disk or a cylinder so that the field can flow more easily. The secret endeavor was to set the alien technology in place later against evil enemies of that great country. The mammals evolved since let us say 150 millions of years, but only in the last 2 3 millions of years they were able to became intelligent and thinking. I would like to learn more. I have questions about whats esoterism. I think we all know the answer to that one! One (the more ancient) symbol is a blue serpent with four white wings on a black background (the colors have religious meanings for us.) But what about their mind and intelligence? It depends again on the respective point of view; your people are not necessarily in a position to judge whether the deeds of a much more highly developed species are good or evil, because you stand at a lower observation point, from which an assessment is not possible. There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species alike both good and evil individuals; its even true of your own people; but there is NO such thing as an absolutely evil species. Mind control is one of their talents. But there is also another explanation, why we can walk among you and why you are not able to recognize us: mimicry. Its why he had to create a literary device to respond to some of the scientific and philosophical questions, yet chose to keep the answers superficial enough to not betray his own attempt at a convincing story. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. Hello, I would like to know more information on this matter. I have a few comments on the above. Up until this time, I usually regarded people who believed that they were being followed by the state to be nothing more than jokers. They are very strong and like to eat living flesh which makes them seem like monsters, which they are. The air shafts and the light systems from the surface likewise run through these columns and naturally, they are very intensely controlled. So I read this story and most of its advanced concepts put forth by Lacerta are really a mish-mash of the most modern human scientific theories combined with esoteric teachings from most of the older human wisdom traditions (like the Vedas, Advaita/Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism, etc.). All matter that you see, every creature, every planet and star in this universe, has an information-energy equivalent in the sphere of influence which is located on a main field the general level {of things}. For now, we need the Dark Forces to be removed. Unfortunately, if I read the entire transcript and (much more) this All The other species - about which we know not so Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of they need in order to achieve their goals . What had exactly happened when they arrived? Thank you, Mr. Bergman, for your comment. Did you meet Lacerta ever again, do you think you will ever meet her again? Your guess is as good mine.}. Yes. A fourth and very important condition also exists, which you simply pay attention to more or less as you choose; it is the one bordering on the sphere of influence or plasma realm. Thats unusual even the interval seems to be incorrect. Im in the possession of the entire transcript of the interview (49 pages with some of my drawings of her body and her equipment) and also of some tapes on which I have the full interview, but I will not reveal this before I have permission from her. Another example: you can for example remember that you were just in a normal of your human hospitals and that some doctors were examining you and you think not further about what have happened to you (maybe till you discover that there is no hospital in the street were you supposed it) but in fact you were examined by them in one of their laboratories. I simply told him that I came from a foreign country in the east. So many of us eat things we grow ourselves, look at the bible in a metaphorical sense and study it with caution, ignore the news, follow our own path, have that free will Lacerta was speaking about. Some people think it is all a made-up story. Males have sharp pointed nails with a length of sometimes 5 or 6 of your centimeters. Greetings everyone, especially to you, Ms Lacerta and your people Im Swedish! U are destroying this beautiful world and it's too late..They will resurface soon.Dogma is the earth biggest enemy. I found this very interesting. Any contribution adds up. times. Worshiping God is not a religion. Free YouTube converters will let you save videos from the world's biggest video hosting site, ready to watch offline later whenever you want. Understandably, an alien intervention on your planet would disturb their projects, but I dont think that they accept a confrontation with other species for it. K.: The soul robbing was mentioned in one of the radical, religiously-motivated comments in connection with the reptilian species.]. Are they our God? Luckily there is a strong push in the world for green energies, but hopefully it is not too late. No, we have no visible tail. Do you see the distortion and the quasi-light in the rotating cylinders? It was exactly 4,943 years ago according to your time scale that the Illojim left the planet again for unknown reasons (this is a very important date for us, because many of our historians called it a victory.) You should listen and learn from people but stay away from established religions of officialdom. Let me think about it for a minute. Thank you to Lacerta we peaceful humans appreciate you and your species and I speak on behalf of all humanity and I hope you accept our most sincere apology, it is your planet and I feel its unfair that you hide away. Despite the cataclysm, some species were able to survive: fish (like the sharks), birds, little creepy mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles like crocodiles and there was a special kind of small but advanced dinosaurs which had developed together with the last large animal-reptilians like the species you call Tyrannosaurus. And that will happen. I hope we can help you one day and coexist together in harmony. This is absolutely impossible, because evolution is a much slower process if its natural but you have not understood this. This very advanced race Ive mentioned had developed outside of here and theyve evolved in fact over billions of years. Your kind is ignorant. The best Youtube to MP4 converter. Despite of our presence on this planet, the aliens decided to help the apes to evolve a little bit faster, to serve them in the future as some kind of slave-race in coming wars. because i need advice. Well read on earth alternative history and reptilian physiology, and more. Can I have the chance to talk to one of her species? But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the detonation but in the bad things which came after the war, especially in the nuclear winter and in the fall-out.) Since the surface is flat, it is obviously not a genuine ship. Wish there was something I could do. They were a very tall humanoid species whit usually blonde hairs and a very white skin (they avoided the sunlight, because it hurt their skin and their eyes. It can also exert a camouflage function in the realm of electromagnetic radiation as well as manipulate temporal sequences of eventsindeed only to very limited extentand other things as well. The buildings of the first breeds are lost, but the fifth civilization was the one, which built the large triangular constructions you call Egyptian Pyramids today around 75,000 years ago (your Egyptians just found that large ancient pyramids in the sand and tried not very successful to built similar constructions) and the sixth civilization was the one, which built the cities which ruins you can find today beneath the sea in the so-called Bimini Area around 16,000 years ago. I suspect it will be very hard for you to prove you are what you claim, as you are probably not really what you claim. "Beam me up, Scotty". This is because Im female. Provide authentic artifacts doesnt work. The real truth is a very long and difficult story. I certify that the following text is the absolute truth and no work of fiction. I never saw anyone get into or out of the car. The only thing I find a bit off-putting or perhaps more disappointing than off-putting, is the fact that the original interviews where carried out back end of 1999 and front end of 2000, over 17 years ago. It can actively integrate with both. Quizs no seamos muchos los que somos open mind en estas cosas, pero trabajando juntos podramos hacer grandes cosas. How do you feel about humankind and what are the steps necessary to dig deeper into the universe and its secrets? This story is ridiculous and physically not possible (even your species should be intelligent enough not to believe this.) I received a translation English-to-Spanish of the files through a newsletter in my email. Later on a person who had edited the English translation contacted me to ask me to remove her name from the post because that was affecting her ability to find a job. I believe that the concept of consciousness matrix is real due to some theories that can be proven by the effect of endless compression. Do you know how much mass a sun must have to produce energy and light for a longer time by fusion? At the same time, it proves that magic does not exist but esper does along with Godel God Theorems. Question: First of all, who are you and what are you? This genetically advanced human breed lived together with us, but they avoided contact with my kind, because the Illojim teachers had warned them with misleading purpose that we are evil beings and that we lie to them. This is believed to be technology not organic in any way. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 11 from this universe, 2 from another bubble and 1 very advanced from a very different plain. I dont need Lacerta to teach me about God or any other creature. Thank you for sharing! In any case, it is terribly careless of that species to allow this technology to be photographed by humans. I know for a fact we are not doomed. They are available from for free reading. Kali Yuga is the End Times. Let me tell you how I see ants, in fact, just this weekend I observed 2 colonies: One colony of black ants and a huge colony of red ants. I really hope they help us against the ones that are coming. I would also like to know, considering her near condescending tone at times, as well as what I can infer as a consideration of humans to be a sub-par species, as to what her opinion is on the advancements in other areas we have made thus far would be, as well as to whether or not her race or any other would consider human intelligence and potential remarkable. You rely on archeological and paleonthological artifacts which show you a wrong and short past, but how should you know anything about the six civilizations before. In my opinion, it was our right to fight for our planet. You have to close your mind and open your true eyes to see. Some time ago I came across the Lacerta Interview and after two years of further investigation and digging deeply into Tom Campbells MBT Theory, I rediscovered the significance and consistency of the information given in the Lacerta interview. The fate of your species was not really important for us, but we didnt like the presence of the Illojim on our planet and they didnt liked our presence on their new galactic zoo planet and so your sixth and seventh creation was the reason for a war between us and them. I feel, with growing suspicion, that there is one in my neighborhood right now, and they have been here for some time. When I informed E.F. personally about these events, he suggested that I change the place and date of the meeting in order to assure our own and Lacertas safety. What they see as good or for the good of others, might not be too good for you. My friend and I wonder about Satan and if there is levels of evil in this universe and we are reaching out for answers to know if there is something more evil than Satan. Just don't photo Lacerta. The other symbol is a mystic being you would call a Dragon in the shape of a circle with seven white stars in the middle. Some part in this interview was also a warning to us as humans. The thin hull structure of that kind of disk craft is in and of itself not very stable, since those disks have not been designed for crashes as well as for flight in a field where there are exterior forces at work. The rest of our knowledge about our evolution comes from skeletons and from the back-reading and de/encoding of our DNA. I know exactly whats needed to prove forever that the claims you have made are actually true: Provide scientists with a meaningful description or mathematical model of something scientists can confirm.