mirar mirar Add to list to look at Dictionary Conjugation Examples Pronunciation Thesaurus View the conjugation for to look at. (You) Do the homework. Created by CONJUGUEMOS. t command form that you must learn. The most unusual type of command is the form used when you wish to give an affirmative command to someone you would address as t. no vea nosotros no veamos vosotros no veis ellos / Uds. border: 1px solid; Buy the candy. Spanish Word: mirar. Full verb conjugation table for mirar along with example sentences and printable version. width: 80%; Search results 1 - 40 of about 300 for ver negative command. Adding the opposite ending means if a verb has an infinitive that ends in - ar, the present tense t ending for an - er/- ir verb is used to create the negative t command. Please disable your ad blocker for this site if you wish to use the premium features. mire nosotros miremos vosotros mirad ellos / Uds. form Don't look at the paintings in the museum! All Pronouns t positive t negative . border: 1px solid; .table_d2e56 td { NOTICE THE COLOR CODE OF THE VERB ENDINGS:-e: USTED command of -AR verbs -en: USTEDES command of -AR verbs-a: USTED command of -ER and -IR verbs- . I would watch the boy dance, but I am busy. https://www.thoughtco.com/mirar-conjugation-in-spanish-translation-and-examples-4797511 (accessed March 5, 2023). Notice that the subject pronoun may or may not follow a command form. , , ,