T;)D2Dt `NY"`~XH@P ` This awareness-level training is suitable for new PIOs. School, 43 Margaret St. . This fundamental principle is the basis for public information in emergency management in this country. Lieutenant Doug McCleve: One of the reasons why we felt it was so important to put together a Joint Information in the first, Center in the first place is because we knew that there would be all aspects of State government involved in this process from providing basic food and clothing and shelter for these people who have had nothing for up to a week. Jeff Leduff: We are the first line of information for the rest of the team because were out there all the time. Coming back after the fire to retrieve them, their ghostly shadows left indelible evidence of the inferno that swept through their home. People use technology to tell others that they are okay. (Unit 4), Given a scenario, apply the 8-Step Model to a public awareness campaign. C. only required when dictated by the Incident Commander. Lieutenant Doug McCleve: So what we felt like it would be best to do is provide a one-stop calling center for the news media to be able to access whoever they needed to in this process. Conducting public awareness campaigns; Gathering key information/details of the event; Prioritizing and issuing notices, alerts, and warnings; Taking action to maintain control of rumors; Coordinating inquiries from the public, the media, and elected officials; Coordinating tours or other interviews with agency reps and the media What is happening in other areas? Public awareness campaigns can run for weeks, months, or even sporadically throughout several years. Break your ideas into one subject per sentence. A micro-blog is a type of blog where the message is shorter. Social networking sites are online communities that connect people. The latest information on activities, events, and resources. These sites make it easy to establish networks of contacts. If you need to build an email list, consider including a place for people to sign up on your Web site. For more information on the Public Information Officer training program, contact FEMA-Master_PIO_Program@fema.dhs.gov. Determining hazard impact is a crucial component in emergency planning. When an emergency happens, ICS is implemented. Demonstrate that you are in the knowB. The widespread use of social media means you and your organization need to include social media in your communication strategy. A social networking site is a great tool for: Now you know about the many tools available to get your message out. Wear your uniform or neat, conservative attire if not in uniform. hb```"g@($CC4i9"Mp1:u3;;:*&d@|Hh 9C$,;30K2=e$b00 D! Below are some, but not all, of the critical skill sets learned during this training program: Personnel who are assigned or may be designated to perform public information duties during an incident, emergency, or disaster and anyone in a response discipline who may be assigned or designated to perform public information duties. Quantify results when evaluating public information efforts. It also helps identify the target audience for a particular public awareness campaign. This lesson presents information on tools you can use in support of your role as a Public Information Officer (PIO). Responds to the media while respecting restrictions on the release of sensitive information. The AP Stylebook is used by most of the news media. While it is not the responsibility of the PIO to provide food or facilities for the media, a little kindness in this area can go far in building a positive relationship with the mediaespecially if the incident occurs in a remote area where few if any comfort facilities exist (e.g., if the incident is in a remote field, a porta-john will go a long way in making friends!). Construct and deliver an appropriate crisis and emergency risk message. Overview: The FEMA IS-29.A course was published on 8/5/2019 to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the PIO role. Grab the attention of your readers so that they will continue reading. Final Exam for: IS-29.a: Public Information Officer. The Governor repeated his request that everyone use caution and heed warning messages on TV and radio, or in their newspapers. Video sharing sites to expand or market a story, and. or a non-emergency event. In 2008, the average per-person hospital treatment cost for heat related illnesses in Arizona was about $7,500, leading to a whopping $11M in treatment costs. It was four, five, and six teams from every news, particularly the TV stations sending out that many cameras with that many reporters from each station and it just was incredible, not to mention the newspapers, the radio stations, the smaller papers in the area plus national media. What do you want people to know or do after hearing your message? More than 70% of the illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths are guys. Information developed and disseminated in anticipation of, during, or after an emergency to provide specific life- and health-saving information C. Issuing a news release on a seatbelt law (public information); announcing a road closure due to a multiple-car accident (emergency public information) D. Information collected, assembled, or maintained by an organization in connection with the transaction of official business and available for dissemination to the public, 15. 18. Chris Mrela wrote a dynamite report on this a couple of years ago. Other data requires that you reach out to the target audiencefor example, to conduct focus group sessions or implement random telephone, email, or print surveys. . (For example: The suspicious package was the size of a laptop computer. Managing public information is another fundamental element of emergency management. C. is a failed theory and should not be used by modern public information officers. Check off the things you would plan to include in your Go Kit and add other items as you see fit. The ultimate goal of all public safety endeavors is to save lives, protect property, and preserve the environmentand almost all reporters would agree that their needs will come after these important tasks. B. is to wait for direction from the incident commander. C. includes reporting to the Operations Section Chief during an incident response. Under the ICS, the PIO works for: A. Office: (301) 447-1200 Fax: (301) 447-1201, (800) 621-FEMA / TTY (800) 462-7585 Check Web sites and social media sites, read newspapers, watch TV, and listen to radio to know how your message is getting out. Over 150 PIOs working a major disaster, often from different locationsall to ensure clear and accurate information is being delivered amid the confusion of a disaster response. Each time this test is loaded, you will receive a unique set of questions and answers. Add to the measurable statistics C. Enlist support and involvement of organization personnel while communicating a consistent message D. Demonstrate commitment to the organization, 16. As exemplified in the Pew Research study, people are getting information from sources other than traditional media. Expert Help. EMI is introducing a limited number of IS courses that have been translated to the Spanish language. These examples are micro-blogs from the Alabama Emergency Management Agency (Example 1), the Mayors Office of Homeland Security in Baton Rouge (LA) (Example 2), and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (Example 3). Always connect with the Incident Commander before making any statement to the media. Campaigns are usually multifaceted, combining events and various media to get the message out. Please review the IS FAQ's for more information. As part of conducting research, you have identified populations in the community who are vulnerable and need the information from your campaign. 0 * Redundancy is important in case the computer you are using doesnt have an available or operating USB port or CD drive. Demonstrating an understanding of media needs and operations. Technology allows anyone to be a journalist. Images, sound, and information captured by the public can be used by traditional news organizations, or posted to social media sites, and broadcast globally. Admissions Fax: (301) 447-1658, Independent Study Program Watching the background. Many times the site of a crisis or disaster may be considered a crime scene and needs to be processed by forensic units. Consider information about the whole community when identifying topics, including: There is no point in conducting a hurricane preparedness campaign if your area is not subject to hurricanes. What is the community sentiment toward your organization or the issue? Blogs are Web sites that allow you to engage in a conversation with readers. Conduct research to determine which tool is best to meet your agencys needs. This course can provide a basic understanding of the PIO function for those new to the position. The public information officer (PIO) reports to the incident commander, who in turn reports to the agency or jurisdictions responsible. All of the above, 23. Select the correct definition External Affairs A. Coordinates the release of accurate, coordinated, timely, and accessible public information to affected audiences, including the government, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector B. Resource Typing Definition for Response . Select it carefully and choose your background wisely. if4-0lP,H^F1!P`8FF@T br.afQP0G@U@} )F%H (wtP9 lF `PFn*Lks]k^s9LgsXxh|s ]bpa Some examples of evolving media tools are: Web sites can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional media and other evolving media to get your message out. Remember to treat amateur journalists the same as you would any other journalistwith courtesy and respect. D. Identify opportunities for public awareness campaigns. Distribute family emergency preparedness kits through community elementary schools is both clearer and more meaningful. Tools to enhance the flow of public information are housed. NIMS Overview Communities across the nation experience a diverse range of threats, hazards, and events. Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles to: A. They can be timelesslike encouraging children to be active. The Public Information Officer Awareness Course (IS0029) is designed to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the PIO role. The 8-Step Communication Model includes:A. Assess the current situation B. In their zeal to get the story reporters may not always recognize the potential for danger to themselves. (What will motivate them?). In other words, express parallel ideas in parallel grammatical forms. Transparency in government promotes efficiency and effectiveness and allows the people in your community to understand and participate in your processes. An important part of your role as a PIO is to communicate with your community before something happens. The median salary for a public information officer is near 60,000 a year in most states and between 80,000 and 90,000 a year in higher cost of living states. List the skills needed to be an effective PIO. With passive voice, the subject is thereceiverof the action. This lesson focused on how to communicate effectively, which involves: In the next lesson you will learn how to use your tools and skills to communicate information about being prepared to your community. Show emotion as appropriate, but dont use big gestures. Hundreds are so ill that they end up being admitted to the hospital. They also tell people how they can prepare for a disaster, and protect themselves when disaster strikes.